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The Clan Crawford Association has published the following books on our ancestral history and culture. They can be purchased on-line through the link provided below the volume.
An Introduction to The House of Crawford The House of Crawford is a Lowland Scottish family bearing the surname Crawford. The Crawford surname derives from the barony of Crawford in Clydesdale in the Southern Uplands. It dates from the 12th century when surnames were first adopted in Scotland. Crawfords have spread around the world. The house is represented by the Clan Crawford Association, which unites Crawfords internationally. Crawfords are an ancient Scottish house, which over the centuries has represented Scotland at home and abroad in many endeavors, including wars and diplomacy. Read More...
The House of Crawford, Collected Articles, Volume 1
A collection of five articles on our Crawford surname heritage from 1000AD to present time. This first volume describes the various heraldic baronies and holdings of the House of Crawford. Authored by Kevan Crawford, Raymond Crawfurd, and Joanne Crawford. Price 24.88 + shipping. Buy now...
The House of Crawford, New Perspectives, Volume 2
Volume contains numerous articles on Crawford heritage, history, geography, historical landholdings, heraldry & Y-DNA. Authors: Joanne C Crawford, Kevan C Crawford, Raymond Crafurd, Georgina Crawfurd, Bruce Crawford, and Eleanor Moore. Price 28.04 + shipping. Buy now...
The House of Crawford, Volume 3, History of the Swedish Family of Crafoord
The Crafoord family in Sweden are descendants of the Fedderate cadet of Crawfords in Scotland. The author wrote about their ancestry from 1610 when Jacob Crafoord left Scotland to join the Swedish Army. It continues to follow his descendants until about 1850. Authored by Col. John P. Crafoord Ret., edited by Joanne Crawford PhD. Price $26.00 + shipping. Buy now...
The House of Crawford Volume 4, Laurus Crawfordiana
Manuscript on the Scottish noble House of Crawford whose history and genealogy goes back to the 11th century. It bears the subtitle of "A Historical and Genealogical Deduction of the Several families of the sir name of Crawfurd as well as such as are extinct as those who are yet extant from the time of King David the 1 till the present time". It covers the early history and genealogy of the descendants of the Crawfordjohn Branch. Original Manuscript by George Crawfurd. Transcribed with annotations by Raymond Crawfurd. Price US $11.23 + shipping. Buy now...